January 2000

I had purchased 15 grams of Indra extract in November 1999 [Indra, a Danish group, sells a root bark extract with a strength equivalent to one-fifth of pure ibogaine], as soon as the Discussions about it on this list made me think it was a reliable source and a safe product, the price of which seemed to make it a bargain. In fact my contacts by email with Indra were very positive: quick and clear answers, general impression of competence and seriousness. Then, when I ordered the product, I received it as expected after a few days. The extract comes in the form of a brown powder, packaged in individual one-gram plastic bags, hermetically sealed, each accompanied by two gel capsules.

These fifteen grams were intended for my third trip and my friend’s first. Around mid-December, she ingested a test dose of 1/2 gram in the morning on an empty stomach. After four hours she felt no effect, so she absorbed another 1/2 gram. An hour later she finally felt the usual normal signs of taking moderate ibogaine: distortion of vision with some phosphenes and flashes in the periphery, problems with balance and locomotion which prompted her to lie down without moving, then memories, visions and impressions related to the problems that led her to take ibogaine (summarized in a few words, I would say that the issues she wants to address with ibogaine are psychological related to the death of several close family members in a very short period of time, about two years ago. These events have apparently been the trigger for older traumas dating back to childhood and which have since made her depressed, pushing her to drink and smoke more than necessary. No other drug problems). Absolutely no worries of discomfort or vomiting. The effects remained very mild and lasted until the evening, gradually diminishing. The next morning they were gone, she felt fine. These events have apparently been the trigger for older traumas dating back to childhood and which have since made her depressed, pushing her to drink and smoke more than necessary. No other drug problems). Absolutely no worries of discomfort or vomiting. The effects remained very mild and lasted until the evening, gradually diminishing. The next morning they were gone, she felt fine. These events have apparently been the trigger for older traumas dating back to childhood and which have since made her depressed, pushing her to drink and smoke more than necessary. No other drug problems). Absolutely no worries of discomfort or vomiting. The effects remained very mild and lasted until the evening, gradually diminishing. The next morning they were gone, she felt fine.

So it was decided to make a real trip as soon as possible, that is to say around mid-January. On Sunday, January 16, she took four grams of extract in gel capsules on an empty stomach. She had not taken anti-nausea because the first time, for the trial, she had felt no discomfort, no discomfort although she remained physically active until the moment when she was forced to lengthen. Everything went well at first, the ibogaine began to produce its first effects after three quarters of an hour when she began to feel strange. After an hour and a quarter she began to feel off. That’s when I took an initiative that at the time seemed good to me but turned out to be a very stupid idea that was going to ruin everything: I helped her up to go to the bathroom, thinking that it was better to get rid of this kind of troublesome chore when the effects had just started and were therefore still very mild, to be more peaceful and safer more late when she was really “gone”. Unfortunately getting up, even briefly (the toilets were right next to the bedroom, there were only a few steps to take), triggered a violent malaise in her, a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to struggle constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. thinking that it was better to get rid of this kind of troublesome chore when the effects had just started and were therefore still very mild, to be quieter and safer later when she was really “gone”. Unfortunately getting up, even briefly (the toilets were right next to the bedroom, there were only a few steps to take), triggered a violent malaise in her, a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to struggle constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. thinking that it was better to get rid of this kind of troublesome chore when the effects had just started and were therefore still very mild, to be quieter and safer later when she was really “gone”. Unfortunately getting up, even briefly (the toilets were right next to the bedroom, there were only a few steps to take), triggered a violent malaise in her, a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to struggle constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. to be quieter and safer later when she was really “gone”. Unfortunately getting up, even briefly (the toilets were right next to the bedroom, there were only a few steps to take), triggered a violent malaise in her, a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to struggle constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. to be quieter and safer later when she was really “gone”. Unfortunately getting up, even briefly (the toilets were right next to the bedroom, there were only a few steps to take), triggered a violent malaise in her, a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to struggle constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to fight constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories. a very strong urge to vomit against which she had to fight constantly. These problems lasted for many hours, in fact until the evening, and apparently prevented the ibogaine from accomplishing any psychological effects, visions or memories.

In the evening she fell asleep, and then remained more or less asleep or unconscious until Tuesday morning when she was able to get up. She didn’t remember much except having thought back to many episodes of her life, not necessarily related to her childhood. According to her nothing decisive seemed to have happened during these two days, if something had happened she was not aware of it, and did not notice any notable change at the end of the trip. The only thing that really stuck with her were those long Sunday hours when she fought the malaise and vomiting with all her might. They were extremely painful to her and left her exhausted. In fact, she couldn’t help throwing up moderately a few times, and probably threw up 1/2 gram to 1 gram of product,

It has now been three weeks since she took ibogaine, and the only change she has noticed, in herself or in her habits, is the fact that during the first days of her return, she felt much less the urge to smoke and drastically reduced her cigarette consumption – but this only lasted a few days, and she quickly returned to her normal consumption. In addition, a number of memories and emotions related to her mother’s death regularly return to her consciousness and destabilize her. For me who practices primal therapy this seems rather like progress, if however she agrees to manage these feelings in an appropriate way, but it is a point of view that she does not share.

So overall, I think we can qualify this experience as negative. It seems to me that this negativity is due to the violent malaise which prevented any constructive effect during the day on Sunday, and to the vomiting which doubtless made the quantity of ibogaine ingested insufficient.

Since we didn’t know exactly the strength of the extract and my friend’s reactivity to this substance, she first ingested 4 grams and I prepared an additional 2 grams that she could take later if needed. felt, that is, if the effects of the initial 4 grams were not strong enough. But in fact, she finally ended up with 3 to 3.5 grams without being able to take it back afterwards. This quantity was probably very insufficient for her so we have planned, for her next ibogaine intake scheduled around mid-April, for her to directly absorb 5 or 6 grams of extract, taking care to swallow an effective anti-nausea One hour before.

By Dev