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A heap of random iboga and ibogaine pics
Grinding it up
Me and Adam getting intitiated in Cameroon
Howard Lotsof
Patrick Kroupa
Tabernanthe iboga
Dana Beal
Deborah Mash
NY Conference 1999
Howard Lotsof
Tabernanthe iboga
Nick Sandberg
the root
Mado in Cameroon
The Kombo
UK ibogaine tour
Ken Alper
NY Conference poster
Ken Alper
The fruit
ibogaine booklet
Mandilou (fougamou province) / February 2002
Jeanne , 40 years old, doing her initiation to “Mougoulou”, a special rite for women. They work with genious of the forest.
©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Tchibanga city / February 2002
Early morning, after singing and dancing all night , nganga (chamans) with family menbers.
©Laurent Sazy
Mandilou (fougamou province) / February 2002
Bwiti Missoko-gonde initiation
The “plantin banana” full of holy-wood, during initiation.
©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / Avril 2000
Bwiti, le voyage au pays des anctres.
“Ayiz Endendang, la connaissance dans la lumire.
Ce dbut Avril 2000, les initis inaugurent la statue de la fondatrice tue en Avril 1987 par un des menbres. Ils sortent de la fort en tenant une torche de rsine d’Oukoum et rejoignent le “corps de garde” au son de la harpe pour le dbut de la veille qui peut durer 3 jours durant lesquels les initis vont danser, chanter, entrer en transe, afin de recrer trois moments, l’origine du Monde, le temps de la cration, la fin et l’au-del du Monde.
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / April 2000
Bwiti, the journey to the Ancestors territory.
annual ceremony of the ÒAyize EndendangÓ congregation to comemorate the death of the congragation founder, Catherine Bendome-Ottoghe, who was killed, as she predicted, by a novice of the chapels in April 4th 1987. ÒAyize EndendangÓ is one of the biggest Fang Bwiti order, they claims between 8 to 10,000 followers.
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Mandilou (fougamou province) / February 2002
After giving iboga by the Nganga, the nbanzi ‘initiate) must jump to make the iboga run into the blood.
The Nganga is the man with scarifications on skin (he did MUIRI initiation in the bwiti).he is 22 years old .
©Laurent Sazy
Mandilou (fougamou province) / February 2002
Bwiti Missoko-gonde initiation
The “plantin banana” full of holy-wood, during initiation.
©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / Avril 2000
Bwiti, le voyage au pays des anctres.
“Ayiz Endendang, la connaissance dans la lumire.
Ce dbut Avril 2000, les initis inaugurent la statue de la fondatrice tue en Avril 1987 par un des menbres. Ils sortent de la fort en tenant une torche de rsine d’Oukoum et rejoignent le “corps de garde” .
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / April 2000
Bwiti, the journey to the Ancestors territory.
annual ceremony of the ÒAyize EndendangÓ congregation to comemorate the death of the congragation founder, Catherine Bendome-Ottoghe, who was killed, as she predicted, by a novice of the chapels in April 4th 1987. ÒAyize EndendangÓ is one of the biggest Fang Bwiti order, they claims between 8 to 10,000 followers.
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / Avril 2000
“Ayiz Endendang, la connaissance dans la lumire.
Ce dbut Avril 2000, les initis inaugurent la statue de la fondatrice tue en Avril 1987 par un des menbres. Ils sortent de la fort en tenant une torche de rsine d’Oukoum et rejoignent le “corps de garde” au son de la harpe pour le dbut de la veille qui peut durer 3 jours durant lesquels les initis vont danser, chanter, entrer en transe, afin de recrer trois moments, l’origine du Monde, le temps de la cration, la fin et l’au-del du Monde.
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Gabon / Libreville / April 2000
Bwiti, the journey to the Ancestors territory.
annual ceremony of the ÒAyize EndendangÓ congregation to comemorate the death of the congragation founder, Catherine Bendome-Ottoghe, who was killed, as she predicted, by a novice of the chapels in April 4th 1987. ÒAyize EndendangÓ is one of the biggest Fang Bwiti order, they claims between 8 to 10,000 followers.
photos:©Laurent Sazy
Ibogaine booklet cover